NY Highways Operations Manager helps college students with their interview skills

May 28, 2024

Lee Robinson, NY Highways’ Streetlighting Operations Manager, visited Darlington College recently (14 May) to help their Level 2 Electrical students prepare for interviews.

Using questions that we use for apprenticeship interviews, Lee conducted mock interviews with ten students, many of whom did not have any interview experience, and were unsure of what direction to go in their career after they complete their education.

He also advised on everything from how to present yourself, to showing interest in the role by researching the company before the interview, and questions to ask the interviewer/employer at the end of the interview.

Lee said: “It was great to meet these bright young students, who are the future of the construction industry, and to help them to hone their interview skills. Some were incredibly nervous and as a former apprentice myself, I was able to give tips on how to manage the nerves and show them what to expect from an interview process.

“They did really well and I hope they can take what they learned and apply that experience when they are invited to interviews after they complete their studies.“

The mock interviews were a success, with Darlington College in talks with us to arrange another event in June with their Level 1 students.

The visit by Lee was arranged after we previously facilitated work experience for another Darlington College student. The partnership with the college has been beneficial to help students get experience of working life and will hopefully provide some future employees for NY Highways.
